Day 18 Living in NYC

I was trying to eat at Uncle Gussy’s on Park Avenue for lunch but they weren’t there today.  So I got a lamb plate on another cart on 50th Street.  It is the same cart I went to the other night.  I took the food to eat at the Rockefeller Plaza.  After lunch, I walked all the way to the Central Park and took this picture from the Pond (frozen).

Central Park


















When walking by E 58th Street on 5th Avene, I thought of Pop Burger.  I stopped by to but It was no longer there.  There were quite a few people out and about on 5th Avenue.  I stopped by home to rest before I went out for dinner.  I got together with my friends at Eatery in Hell’s Kitchen.  I had a great time – the food was great, the drink was nice, and the company was awesome.